Saturday, February 14, 2009

how is a flight from Los Angeles to London shorter than a trip from Atlanta to London

how is a flight from Los Angeles to London shorter than a trip from Atlanta to London?
It just doesn't seem logical to me how it would be a shorter flight between a city over 2,000 more miles away. Do they fly over the polar ice caps like when they fly to Australia? I got this information from I just happened to see it. Thanks!
Other - Destinations - 2 Answers
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1 :
yeah it has to do with the curve of the earth.
2 :
with Atlanta to London they have to fly over water and it is harder for planes to fly over water than it is to fly over land. with San Fransisco they fly over land then they fly over a small patch of water so it doesn't hurt the plane as much as if they were flying over just water. and also some planes are designed to fly just over land and some are design to fly just over water or they could do both. And some planes are only designed to fly up to a certain altitude that's why you see on most smaller planes that the altitude level only goes to about 13,000 feet. So it just depends what type of planes you are trying to get on because if you get on a larger plane in San Fransisco it can go over water really easily.But if you get on a smaller plane in San Fransisco the plane will be able to fly over land easily but when it gets to the water it might start having problems.Good luck!

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