How long is the flight from Los Angeles to Sydney?
Going there soon and not sure how long it takes. Thanks!
Sydney - 7 Answers
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1 :
bout 14 hours
2 :
it takes about 18-20 hours.
3 :
I've flown twice this trip with Air NZ and both times with stopovers at Honolulu (1 hr), Fiji (1 hr) and NZ (1 Hr) .. it took 20 hours in total...
4 :
12.5 to 14 hours depending on the weather.
5 :
It depends which airline you are travelling with. If you are flying direct from LA to Sydney it is about 14 hours. Indirect flights through say San Francisco or Auckland it will take up to 16 hours.
6 :
Usually around 14 hours
7 :
About 13.5 hours