How long(time) is the flight from Los Angeles to Washington DC?
On the eighth grade teip to DC I want to be occupied on the plane, but I don't know how long the flight is.. Help!! the flight is in April too, if weather has anything to do with it...
Air Travel - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Los Angeles to Washington Dulles: 4 hr, 50 min to 5hr, 6 min depending on airline and aircraft Los Angeles to Washington Reagan: 4 hr, 47 min
2 :
about 4-5hr
3 :
It's about five hours each way. I usually bring a couple of paperback books. Assuming your flight is during the day, don't forget to look out the window. From LA you'll definitely fly over the Sierras and Rockies, and you might even fly over the Grand Canyon. Look at the incredibly flat midwest, and the big circular irrigated fields in Nebraska. Failing that, your plane will almost certainly offer a movie or two.