Tuesday, July 7, 2009

what should i bring on a plane flight from los angeles to londen to jorden

what should i bring on a plane flight from los angeles to londen to jorden?
thats like a sixteen hour flight and i may have to stay in londen because i might miss my flight ps i have an ipod and a laptop and gameboy and gameboy advance help me i aM LEAVING JUNE 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Packing & Preparation - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
doesnt matter,, go through terminal 5 its all lost for ever...
2 :
go get a nice long book, something new that you have not read yet, some new games for your GBA, some movies you have not yet seen for your laptop. Go online and look for a Foxhole Pillow. ..a pocket rocket for a quickie in the bathroom? lol...just kidding on the last one... you sound pretty prepared.
3 :
Ooo, Boomerang's a grammar nazi, glad I'm not the only one. I suggest snacks too. Depending on the airline the food is lacking, SAS isn't bad though. Have it eaten by the time you make it to Jordan though, some airports you can't bring food through. NZ had bins at customs to dump your carry on food.
4 :
porn lots and lots of porn

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