Friday, August 7, 2009

How long is the flight from Los Angeles to Papeete (Tahiti)

How long is the flight from Los Angeles to Papeete (Tahiti)?
Someone I know said it was 13 hours, but I saw somewhere online that it was 8.25-8.5 hours. So which is it? Also, if you've been there, what would you recommend to do/see on Bora Bora (besides getting a tan)?
Other - Asia Pacific - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Papeete (PPT) Flight Duration 8 hours 20 mins
2 :
check the airline website......a direct flight will be less time than a 1 or 2 stop of course you will have different flight times
3 :
A direct flight is approx. 9 Hrs 23 Min. You can get flight times for airports all over the world at

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