Monday, June 1, 2009

How big can my check-in and carry-on luggage be on my flight from Los Angeles, California to Shanghai, China

How big can my check-in and carry-on luggage be on my flight from Los Angeles, California to Shanghai, China?
My tour group itinerary insists it be no larger than 18"x10"x8" for check in. There are no requirements stated for the carry-on bag. I do not have any luggage that fits these dimensions. I have a very small piece that is actually 20", but about 5" tall. Help?
Air Travel - 1 Answers
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The size of luggage -- both for carry-ons and checked pieces -- is wholly governed by the airline. The website of the airline you're flying should have the answer -- since the size limits vary from airline to airline, and since you don't mention which airline you're flying, pointing you to that website is the best anyone here can do for you.

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