Sunday, June 7, 2009

Scared of flying! How is the flight from Los Angeles to Barcelona, Spain? Turbulence, no turbulence

Scared of flying! How is the flight from Los Angeles to Barcelona, Spain? Turbulence, no turbulence?
I know it varies based on weather, but it is known that flying to certain places have more turbulence than others. That is what I am tryign to figure out. Generally smooth or can it get quite bumpy going that route?
Air Travel - 2 Answers
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1 :
Turbulence cannot be predicted. It is extremely dependent on the specific weather and air currents encountered en route. Pilots can pass along turbulence information to air traffic control, so another plane coming later through the same airspace can know what to expect. Pilots often alter course slightly if it can help to avoid heavy turbulence. Airplanes are built to withstand extreme turbulence without damage. The US military deliberately flys through hurricanes to gather weather data (or at least they used to), and you cannot encounter much worse than that. The best thing to do is to keep your seat belt fastened around you - doesn't have to be tight. If there is unexpected, significant turbulence, then you will not be tossed about. Despite all of the press coverage that a single aircraft accident generates, plane crashes are really very rare. There are more than 10 million flights every year by US carriers, and a truly minuscule number of incidents.
2 :
Turbulence is not something that can be predicted. It's a long flight, and if you're scared of flying, you should definitely get a fear of flying hypnosis cd. Listening to a self-relaxation hypnotherapy session will transform fear and anxieties of flying into empowering self-talk. Here's a link to a fear of flying hypnosis cd, you can listen to a sample: Hope that helps. Have a good flight!

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