How can I get an inexpensive flight from Los Angeles to Buenos Aires?
Preferably around Christmas time
Other - Latin America - 6 Answers
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1 :
Get a book called JAXFAX ( TRAVEL AGENCIES ) have them. It list all charter flights to all over the world.
2 :
Your best bet would be to use American Airlines, because it is one of the cheapest airlines, and as for Christmas, you could do it on the 23rd or 24th, it'll be cheaper that way, as a Christmas special.
3 :
Try or or try to fly stand-by
4 :
If you leave on DEC. 20th you can fly United for in the 1,900$ range. You will get the best service from them in my opinion.
5 :
Are you a student? If so, you can get GREAT deals at the following websites:
6 :
Fly to Chile ( is cheaper.then take a bus to Argentina).