Sunday, November 1, 2009

What is the flight path from Los Angeles to London

What is the flight path from Los Angeles to London?
Does anybody know what the flight path is from Los Angeles to London England? I'll be going to England next year & curious about the route that commercial airliners use. We are trying to guage how long it will take having kids and nervous flyers traveling. Looking for map showing areas or Countries that we will be flying over.
Air Travel - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You probably go from LAX to NYC or Atlanta then off to England.
2 :
If you are flying nonstop, you can expect to take a northeasterly course out of Los Angeles that will probably take you over Las Vegas, then Salt Lake City, then track from the southwest corner of Wyoming to the northeast corner, over Bismarck, then over the eastern portion of Ontario, Canada, over Hudson Bay, then northern Quebec, then over southern Greenland, and then northern sections of the UK as you descend into the London area. This is generally a Great Circle route. The link below shows as much of the flight path as FlightAware can manage for United's daily nonstop flight from Los Angeles to London. The other carriers on the route will also fly a very similar path as well.
3 :
With United Airlines Los Angeles to Denver then Denver to London Heathrow also Los Angeles -> Munich -> London City and one more path is Los Angeles -> Frankfurt -> London Heathrow.
4 :
LAX - Heathrow direct flight (save your hassle by transiting)

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