Least expensive airline route Los Angeles to Athens, Greece?
I am going to Athens in May and the flight Los Angeles-London-Athens is very expensive this year. Can anyone recommend another route which may offer a less expensive airfare? My research says there are no direct flights from Los Angeles to Athens, it's always via some other large airport. Thank you.
Greece - 3 Answers
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1 :
No direct flights LAX to Ath. However, if you get a flight Lax- London, there are many cheap flights London -Ath. and perhaps you can cut the cost. It will take some planning and you may have a wait and/or transfer airports in London. If you are young and have stamina and the destination is more important than the trip, you can consider the plan. I have done it and saved a lot of dollars.
2 :
xmmm from LA.....am thinking if you can find a Delta flight to Atlanta then you can get a direct flight right into Athens from there I use Memphis as a homeport and Delta put on a new flight from there to Atlanta and gets me into Athens about lunch time...no long layover like I had using KLM......that one gives me 7 hr layover in Amsterdam...search around, going in May you should get better prices than late June or later. I fly every year and have gone from winter months to Aug for as little as 565 to 1200 roundtrip using either the KLM or Delta.....
3 :
KLM generally has the best fares. Check the prices on Wednesday flights first then Tues and Thurs. Make sure you book well in advance for the best prices. Now would be best. If you go KLM, you will go straight from LA to Amsterdam with a couple hours layover. You will love Amsterdam Shiphol Airport is Huge and it is a great place to shop(more shops than you can possible visit while you're waiting for your flight) and hangout. They have bars all over the place and most people drink Heineken or Amstel(Not Light-Amstel Light is made for the USA). Don't drink a lot because sitting that long makes your feet swell up especially if you have too much alcohol. They will take dollars no problem. But your change will probably be in Euros. Then you will board a slightly smaller plane to Athens. Its a great trip. My family has done it a lot. If you leave the international area, make sure each person has his or her ticket and passport on them at all times cause you will pass through customs to get back in and they will demand your tickets and passport(these are very important). They show 2 to 3 movies on the flight to Amsterdam, but none on the flight to Athens. Bring your laptop or DVD player unless you want to read. Also I just read SoBelle info about Delta. Didn't know that before. You can also check with the British and German Airlines. I like Luftansa a lot. I Cr 13;8a